I am a maker of wooden objects and furniture, a spoon carver and a teacher.

In wood I found a form of expression, self-discovery and joy.


Very soon…

In 2025 I will launch a limited series of handmade furniture and objects for sale.

Sign up to my mailing list to be updated on launches and new dates for my courses.


Spoon Carving

Learn the techniques to carve wooden spoons with hand tools.

Afilado de Herramientas

Aprende a afilar tus herramientas de Talla de Cucharas. El cuchillo, el vaciador y el hacha.

This is a sample of my work:


Talla de Cucharas is a blog to spread and promote the art of spoon carving in the Spanish-speaking world.

You will find tutorials, articles, videos, books and products.

Visit talladecucharas.com

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